Watering Hole: Shipping Container Bar

What if setting up your mobile bar was as easy as flipping a switch?

It can be. 

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Kinetic Series Available Products

Boxman Studios is the innovation leader for Kinetic Architecture, utilizing modified shipping containers and purpose-built container structures. Designed for remarkable experiences. Developed for quality and durability. Deployed at an unbeatable value. The Kinetic Series is our exclusive line of standardized products that bring container architecture back to its roots by focusing on simplicity, mobility, and above all, functionality. Click below to browse our options for mobile kitchens, conveniance stores, marketing events, trade shows, and mobile bars!  





So you’re ready to do something amazing with shipping containers?

After you’ve decided that you’re ready to take the next step, give us a call at 704-333-3733, or fill out the form to get the ball rolling. Thanks for your interest in Boxman Studios. We look forward to helping you engage your audience like never before.